DB Engineering


DB Engineering and Construction LTD

Professional Railside Engineers

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We can be contacted by Post, E-Mail, Phone, Facimile and Mobile


Our postal address is:

9 Shannon Square, Shannon Way, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 0PE

Our facsimile number is: +44 (0)1268 514057

Our telephone number is: +44 (0)1268 682791

Our mobile telephone numbers are:

Charlie Docherty (Managing Director): +44 (0) 7966 366183

Bob Britton (Company Secretary): +44 (0) 7885 460260

Pat Rouse (Operations Manager): +44 (0) 7815 043493

Peter Jones (Managing Supervisor): +44 (0) 7890 920252

Our E-Mail Address is:





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